Etuc calls for the relaunch of the EWC directive revision

Brussels, 14/01/2005

On 19 May 2004, the European Commission launched the first phase of Social Partner consultation on the revision of the Directive on European Works Councils (EWC). Nine months later this procedure is still at a standstill. That is why the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has written to the Commission asking for a relaunch of the revision procedure.

On 19 May 2004, in its response to the Commission document “European Works Councils: fully realising their potential for employee involvement for the benefit of enterprises and their employees” the ETUC immediately welcomed the first phase of the Social Partner consultation on the revision of the Directive on European Works Councils (Directive 94/95/EC). Indeed, the ETUC believes that this revision is urgent in order to improve workers' information and consultation rights in the face of economic, social and institutional change such as the intensification of restructuring and relocation of enterprises.

The EWC has a major role to play in dealing with these changes because it can anticipate their impact and contribute to a better governance of their outcome on the basis of information and consultation procedures. This role is increased within the framework of a Europe of 25.

In order to reinforce the role of the EWC and its contribution to the efficient running of enterprises and of working people's lives, the ETUC asks the European Commission to relaunch the revision of the Directive 94/95/EC.

- Thematic sheet on European Works Councils