EU Recovery Plan: Workers need more support not more summits

Responding to the failure to reach agreement on the EU Recovery Plan at the European Council, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said:

“Although this was somewhat expected, the delay in adopting the recovery plan is a blow to 42 million European workers who have been temporarily laid-off and need this investment to save their jobs.

“Citizens don’t want to see more summits; they want the support they’ve been promised to arrive in time to make a difference and without austerity conditions.

“Trade unions in every member state support the plan because a crisis in some part of Europe will also damage the economy and cost jobs in the rest of the Union.

“The recovery plan has the potential to fully restore the trust that many lost in Europe during the last crisis but not if only exists on paper. Every delay puts at risk jobs, business and the future of Europe, as would any compromises affecting the size, ambition or solidarity of the recovery strategy and tools proposed by the Commission.

“The ETUC asks EU leaders to show responsibility and to prepare for a forward-looking decision before the summer break, otherwise the future of the European economy, jobs and democracy will be at serious risk.”


Breakdown of workers in temporary unemployment by member state:

Positions of trade unions in the so-called “frugal four” countries:

ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini
Communiqué de presse