Brussels, 18/06/2012
The “Rio+20” United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, taking place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, should be strengthening the global political commitment to sustainable development, to addressing new and emerging challenges, and creating a strong institutional framework.
Following the presentation of a new draft text from the conference's Brazilian hosts, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has stressed to negotiators that more ambition is needed to create 'The Future We Want' (the theme of the conference), through concrete action plans.
The ETUC reiterates its demand that the text includes clear action plans to ensure Decent Work for all and Just Transition, alongside an action plan to implement the new ILO Recommendation 202 on social protection floors.
These additions are fundamental for trade unions in addressing global inequality and promoting job creation and maintenance. The ETUC's demands have been supported through two Rio Ranking reports published this week by one of the ETUC's affiliates, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO), which analyses global sustainable development since the last Rio Summit 1992-2008. These reports support the European trade union demands and give evidence of a real need for improvement in sustainable development policy at the global level.
“Time is running out! Investment in sustainable development offers an alternative to the spiralling crisis in which we find ourselves. The Rio+20 Conference represents a crucial opportunity to kickstart fundamental changes in our production and consumption model. We simply must not miss it” said Judith Kirton-Darling, ETUC Confederal Secretary.
ETUC resolution: