A New Start for a strong Social Dialogue

ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini today signed a Statement in the European Commission HQ under which

  • The EU Commission and Presidency of the Council of the European Union “welcome the fundamental role of the European social dialogue as a significant component of EU employment and social policy making” and “welcome the strengthening of dialogue between management and labour”.
  • The Presidency of the Council will ensure involvement of national trade unions and employer’s organisation in EU economic policy-making including the controversial ‘Country Specific Recommendations’.
  • The Commission will promote and improve discussion and negotiations between European trade unions, employers and EU institutions, including in the EU’s annual cycle of economic policy coordination.​
  • ETUC and European employers will encourage and help national members to use the European Social Fund, including for promoting social dialogue and capacity building.

 It also covers the European sectoral trade unions and employers, and commits them to promote social dialogue and ensure proper implementation of agreements in all EU member states.  

Other signatories were European Commission Vice President Dombrovskis, the Dutch Presidency of the Council, the Director General of BusinessEurope, CEEP (public service employers and enterprises) and UEAPME (SMEs).

Peter Scherrer, ETUC Deputy General Secretary said “Today’s signing does not solve the many problems faced by working people today, but it does mean that trade unions can expect to be at the table to discuss social and economic policies with national and EU decision-makers. The EU has reaffirmed the importance of negotiations between trade unions, employers and Governments at EU level and in all member states. Social Dialogue can deliver only when agreements are thoroughly implemented and become a tangible reality on the shop floor.”