Joint statement: Strengthen EU chemicals policy to protect workers and environment

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) together with the European Consumers Organisation (BEUC) and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) have come together to call on the Commission to build a Europe that protects people and ecosystems against chemical pollution.

In a joint letter sent to Commission‘s President von der Leyen, the three civil society organisations urge the EU to adopt a 2030 chemicals strategy to set Europe on the road to a non-toxic economy and a healthy future.

According to Per Hilmersson, ETUC Deputy General Secretary in charge of Health and Safety at work “Chemicals can bring benefits to our society, but many also contribute to the rise in severe health problems including occupational cancers. To stop cancer at work the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive must be revised further and include more binding occupational exposure limit values for carcinogens

ETUC, BEUC and EEB are the three largest civil society organisations representing the voice of workers, consumers and the environment at EU level.

ETUC represents 45 million workers from 90 national trade unions in 38 European countries and 10 European sectoral trade union federations.

The full text of the letter can be found here: