The ETUC joins the European campaign against Poverty and Social Exclusion

Brussels, 19/01/2010

The Lisbon Strategy failed to eradicate poverty in Europe, one of the objectives set for 2010. The ETUC is of the opinion that a strong mobilization and a determined commitment are more than ever necessary to combat poverty. This mobilisation must take place simultaneously on two fronts: social protection and employment.

Józef Niemiec, Confederal Secretary, said: “Combating poverty is not only finding remedies but is also intervening beforehand by reinforcing and improving social protection systems. It is also to provide a decent income to everyone irrespective of their social, professional and personal situation. It is as well developing quality and financially affordable ,social and healthcare services for all”.

The participation of the ETUC in this European campaign will be by way of a series of events. The ETUC will also work with civil society actors in order to eradicate poverty, and thus social exclusion, in the European Union. The ETUC and its members also intend to use the opportunity of this campaign to include their own initiatives in the process of the mobilisation campaign for employment which they will conduct in 2010.

- ETUC’s “campaign” website

- EU Commission website

- Józef’s Niemiec video clip (French version only)

- John Monks' speech