Framework of actions on gender equality – First follow-up report 2006

Brussels, 2006

In March 2005, the European social partners adopted a Framework of actions on gender equality. They identified four areas for priority actions, including to:

- address gender roles;
- promote women in decision-making;
- support work-life balance;
- tackle the gender pay gap.

The member organisations of UNICE, UEAPME, CEEP and ETUC agreed to promote the framework of actions in the Member States at all appropriate levels, taking account of national practices.

The social partners also decided to draw up an annual report on the national actions carried out on the four priorities identified. The present document is the first annual follow-up report (433Kb PDF). It was adopted by the European Social Dialogue Committee on 7 November 2006.

The report outlines how the framework of actions has been introduced in the social partners’ activities on gender equality. It also provides useful
information on the first follow-up actions taken at European, national, cross-industry, sectoral and company levels.