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Investment versus profits
17.10.2024 Press release

Corporate greed holding back investment, data shows

Corporations are harming Europe’s competitiveness by choosing to hoard a greater share of profits instead of reinvesting them to raise productivity and create quality jobs, an analysis of EU data by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) shows. 
Esther address
16.10.2024 Speech

Social Partners' Dialogue: Esther Lynch speech

On 16 October 2024, a delegation of trade union representatives met with employers and key figures of the European Commission. Esther Lynch, General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation, made the following intervention (to be checked against delivery).

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16.10.2024 Document

Industrial policy for quality jobs: Social conditionalities for social progress

Industrial policy & social conditionalities
Trade unions call for a European industrial policy for quality jobs. Social conditionalities are a fundamental building block for an effective industrial policy. It must be guaranteed that taxpayers' money is used to pursue the common good, including when supporting companies. One of the tools to achieve this is social conditionalities. The ETUC calls for social conditionalities to be introduced for all forms of public funding and support to companies, as well as environmental and tax conditionalities.
16.10.2024 Document

Delivering quality jobs in every sector and in every region

Quality jobs
Europe is facing a quality job and social justice emergency. According to Eurobarometer, rising prices and the cost of living (42%) and the economic situation (41%) were the main topics that motivated European citizens to vote in the last European elections in June this year. Given the level of concern, it is essential to restore trust. The European Union must demonstrate that it genuinely intends to deliver a fair deal for working people, their families and communities. This must start with a plan to deliver quality jobs for every sector and every region.
13.10.2024 Document

The ETUC warmly congratulates the DGB on its 75th anniversary

75 Jahre
The DGB and its member unions are strongly committed to social justice, better working and living conditions for workers and citizens. Their fight for co-determination and a full democratisation of the economy and society is exemplary and a real source of inspiration for the European trade union movement. The DGB has been successfully fighting for gender equality at work and in society. At the 2022 federal congress, 49,9% of delegates were women and Yasmin Fahimi was the first woman elected as DGB president. 
See what happened at the latest Congress