What's new at the European Summit?

The European Council is meeting tomorrow and Friday to discuss 6 issues: the refugee crisis, terrorism, economic and monetary union, internal market, energy union and the United Kingdom. What’s new to look out for?

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) will be watching out for the following:

  1. Will the European Council take no new decisions on the refugee crisis as appears to be the case?  Will our leaders ignore the fact that the Dublin regulations urgently need to be revised and public spending on services and integration urgently need to be addressed? 


  1. Will Governments agree to “swiftly examine” and “rapidly advance” the Commission’s proposals for “completing” EMU including the “national competitiveness boards” which were opposed at the Competitiveness and Employment and Social Affairs Councils, and by the ETUC?  


  1. Will Governments agree a European Fiscal Board to judge whether fiscal rules are implemented? Will Member states rebel against further enforcement of bad rules that force Member States to cut public deficits in a crisis and stop public investment from being excluded from the deficit calculation?


  1. Will Governments back Commission plans to “strengthen and deepen the single market” which include the highly controversial proposals to exempt small businesses from EU regulation, opposed even by many employers, and to introduce a “services passport” (which would enable companies, and possibly individuals, wishing to provide services in another EU country, to receive a document in their home country certifying that it is complying with all relevant regulations of the host Member State).


  1. Will Governments agree to David Cameron’s demand for workers from other parts of the EU to be denied – in clear breach of EU law - ‘in-work benefits’? Shouldn’t the EU get tough on low pay instead of cutting benefits for low-paid migrant workers?