The trade union strategy on the European Constitution: the debate continues

Brussels, 06/09/2006

Early in 2006, the ETUC, together with the DGB and the OEGB, welcomed the idea tabled by the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, of adding a ‘Social Protocol' to the Constitutional Treaty in response to the ‘No' from France and the Netherlands (Letter 1). The ETUC discussed this idea with its members during a workshop on the Constitution in Berlin. Subsequently, the ETUC has received a letter from the President of the DGB, Michael Sommer (Letter 2), to which John Monks has replied (Letter 3). The discussions between the ETUC and the DGB are ongoing.


1. Joint letter signed by the ETUC, the DGB and the OEGB,

2. DGB letter,

3. ETUC reply.