Launch of new website to fight work-related cancer

A new website – up online today with the support of the European Trade Union Confederation – will enable workers to find out more about cancer risks at work and the dangers of exposure to carcinogens.

Every year, more than 100,000 people die in Europe as a result of working with carcinogens. The new site: highlights the need to limit exposure to cancer-causing agents.

Backing the project are the ETUC, BusinessEurope, the European Commission, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and two EU presidencies (Netherlands and Austria), partners in the European campaign ‘Roadmap on Carcinogens’, launched in Amsterdam in May 2016.

This Roadmap is of real importance to workers and their unions because it improves the practical knowledge about how to prevent work related cancer,” said Esther Lynch, ETUC Confederal Secretary.

Employers must identify and introduce preventative and protective measures to improve workplace health and safety. The first step must always be, where possible, to get rid of the hazard altogether. Sharing information on substituting chemicals for others that are less dangerous, or changing working practices so that workers are not exposed, will save lives.

“The project demonstrates a real commitment from the participating companies to avoid competing where workers’ health and safety could be at risk.”

The Roadmap is a voluntary initiative aimed at exchanging good safety practices among trade unions, labour inspectors, businesses, researchers, OSH professionals and other actors. The partners are inviting organisations and companies throughout Europe to join in, contributing information, resources and events focused on preventing exposure to carcinogens in EU workplaces.


Hashtags for social media: #roadmaponcarcinogens


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