The European Trade Union Confederation holds its 12th Congress in Athens on 16-19 May 2011

Brussels, 14/04/2011

The ETUC rejects the policy of austerity adopted by European governments and endorsed by the European Commission because, once again it is hitting European workers, through a widescale reduction of wages, public services and workers’ rights.
Moreover European economic governance, both in theory and as it is being put into practice by the European Commission, is making the living and working conditions of workers worse by directly attacking wages and the autonomy of collective bargaining.
This is one of the reasons that European trade unions have taken to the streets on several occasions in recent months.
. Our most recent Euro-demonstration took place in Budapest the 9th of April:

Congress will bring together leaders of trade unions from all European countries to elaborate a strategy and action plan to address these and other urgent issues being faced. Congress will also elect the new ETUC General Secretary who will lead the confederation for the next four years.
The event has a dedicated internet site:
which provides details of the agenda, round table debates, documents and practical information (venue, facilities etc)

The website will also provide audiovisual coverage of the congress with a photo gallery, videoclips and a web-TV with live broadcasts from congress.

A press conference has been scheduled for the 13th of May in Athens to brief journalists about the congress and the ETUC’s priorities :