European Summit outcome - December 2014

Commenting on the European Summit which finished in record time last night, Bernadette Ségol, Secretary General of the European Trade Union Confederation said

Adopting the investment plan is a positive move and I urge the member states to boost the funds available as the current proposal is too small. The proposals for Energy Union and digital single market are ambitious and might create additional jobs. I would like to see the same ambition applied to worker, consumer and environmental protection but I am still waiting.”  

Calling for progress in the fight against tax avoidance and aggressive tax planning are good words, but action needs to follow. It remains to be seen whether an exchange of information on tax rulings will be agreed and what impact it will have.”

I am much less convinced by the emphasis on structural reforms – many of which damage demand and hold back growth – and frankly the absurd idea of ‘growth-friendly fiscal consolidation’ makes me angry. It is dressing up public spending cuts as something beneficial. It is language which makes people distrust politicians.”