Durban COP17: European workers need concrete, ambitious and fair solutions not another 'talking shop'

Brussels, 28/11/2011

National and European concern about the threat of economic depression in Europe and globally is dominating choices on long-term policymaking and blocking movement in the climate negotiations. The standstill in the intergovernmental negotiations is all the more dangerous, since it takes place at a time in which emissions are still rising globally.
“The current official narrative is that of excessive austerity measures, which is thwarting the ambition and action needed to combat climate change while promoting social justice”, said Judith Kirton-Darling, ETUC Confederal Secretary. “Without ambitious climate targets and decisive leadership on climate and energy policies this fortnight in Durban, the economic, environmental and social situation will continue to deteriorate. We are convinced that to stimulate sustainable growth in Europe, increased ambition beyond a business as usual scenario is necessary. Workers in Europe are fighting for a Sustainable New Deal for Europe combining the needs of people and planet before profit”, she added.

The ETUC’s demands for the COP17 can be found here: