Corporate Social Responsibility and European trade unions: danger of a rift

Brussels, 14/03/2006

In the context of the debate on CSR at European level, the ETUC has always adopted a positive and constructive approach, and has consistently put forward proposals on the subject.

Nonetheless, it appears that the debate on the subject of CSR is at risk of taking place without the true participation of the organisations representing the 'social side'.

Having received no response so far on the points that remained unresolved after the multi-stakeholders forum, the ETUC wants to express its justified concern about the evolution of an unbalanced, unilateral approach to CSR, that takes account of the viewpoint of only one actor: the companies.

While acknowledging the voluntary nature of the CSR approach, the ETUC wishes to emphasise that it is indispensable and fundamental that CSR should be governed by guidelines set at European level.

Therefore, the ETUC reiterates the following demands:

- a commitment by firms to submit an annual company report on the social and environmental impact of their activities;
- the promotion of standards covering all aspects of corporate governance (certification of end products, transparency and quality throughout the production chain including product traceability, subcontracting, supply and relocations);
- criteria governing access to the use of Community funds, thus assisting in making a positive selection;
- the drafting of codes of conduct and/or labels or similar measures, within the framework of procedures and checks laid down by the Commission, in conjunction with the trade unions and NGOs;
- the establishment of instruments and/or certification agencies that correspond to verified criteria, so as to determine their legitimacy and representativeness.