Climate Pact fails to truly involve workers in European Green Deal

Responding to today’s launch of the European Climate Pact, ETUC Confederal Secretary Ludovic Voet said:

“Workers are on the frontline of changes in the economy needed to protect the environment and they need to be formally involved in the design and delivery of the European Green Deal.  

"Any initiative to help build awareness of the need for climate action and engage citizens and workers in the process is welcome.

“However, the climate pact fails to provide a concrete governance framework that would allow civil society and workers to truly participate in the design and implementation of the European green Deal. 

“The climate pact vaguely “invites social partners to develop joint strategies for just transition”, but there is no specific role given to social dialogue between unions and employers – which is crucial for a just and managed transition to a green economy.

“The Commission should involve workers by creating a European Green Deal advisory board with union representation.”