ETUC Youth Committee declaration on the results of EU Elections in view of the EU Council on 27 June

Meeting of the ETUC Youth Committee, 24 June 2014

Young Europeans have been severely affected by the austerity policies implemented at national level, in particular in the countries under the Troika. Unemployment, precariousness, growing exclusion from social protection and education, discrimination and uncertainty are on the rise across Europe and are a clear threat to the well-being of younger generations and Europe’s future.

The growing attraction of young Europeans towards extreme right, xenophobic, authoritarian, anti EU parties and the low turnout are clear concerns for the ETUC Youth Committee. Those parties are in contradiction to our values of equality and solidarity, and we encourage all members to take strong joint action against this.

The Youth Committee of the ETUC fully supports the position on EU elections adopted by its Executive Committee on June 11-12, 2014 in Brussels[1]: Austerity is no longer acceptable!

In view of the next meeting of the EU Council, we urge the next President of the EU Commission and the European institutions to act on the investment plan launched by the ETUC[2] and on the Social Compact for Europe[3] in order to improve the living and working conditions of young people in Europe. The labour market reforms implemented in the last few years have resulted in increased precarious working conditions and in reduced social protection, or even discrimination targeting young workers.

We welcome the election of many young and progressive MEPs and look forward to a fruitful collaboration with the future Youth Intergroup.

Youth guarantees must be efficiently, fully and rapidly implemented. Binding and ambitious measures must be adopted at EU level in order to secure transitions and creation of quality jobs. Social dialogue must be strengthened in the interest of protecting workers rights, and its autonomy respected at all levels.

Europe must regain the trust of the younger generations by changing the course of its political agenda in order to be seen as a key actor for the well-being of young workers in Europe. Solidarity and equality must be key values for a better and stronger EU.                                                                                                                     

The youth committee is invited to adopt this declaration



[2] /documents/new-path-europe-etuc-plan-investment-sustainable-growth-and-quality-jobs

[3] /social-compact-europe