Call to Action : ETUC calls on all members of the EMPL Committee to take a stand and vote on the 18th October to protect vulnerable workers with the TPWC Directive

Brussels 17/10/2018

Dear MEP’s,

I am contacting you about the crucial vote on the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive taking place on Thursday (18th October 2018).

This Directive is of critical importance to working people and their trade unions. The EU needs to show the European Pillar of Social Rights can deliver real solutions for the most vulnerable.

We know that the voting will be really close, and we are calling on you to take a stand and vote for three key issues

1: It is essential that this Directive protects zero hour and low hour workers – please do not support any provisions that exempt zero hour or low hours workers from the protection of the Directive

The Directive will lack credibility if it excludes from its protection those workers who need it most, namely those employed on zero hour and low hour contracts.  If the Directive does not apply to workers with less than 8 hours or 5 hours work or some other number of hours, experience shows that unscrupulous employers will simply drop the number of hours in the contracts below that threshold. Denying zero and low hour workers protection, for example when they ask for more hours of work or allowing employers to make deductions from their pay for training has no justification whatsoever.

We therefore call on you to vote:

In favour of amendment 336

In favour of all of the compromise amendments (Chambon compromise amendments of 16/10/ 2018) on Article 9 and Article 9 a new.

Against amendments 337,338,339, 340

2: Protection of Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreements (Article 12)

It is essential that employers and trade unions can conclude collective agreements in the fields covered by the Directive we are therefore calling you to vote in favour of compromise amendment 36 on Article 12 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2. (Chambon compromise amendments of 16/10/ 2018)

3: Definition of Worker

The ETUC wishes to ensure the broadest scope possible. Member States need to be able to go further and include self-employed such as freelancers and therefore we need you to vote in favour of compromise amendments 1, 4, and 6. (Chambon compromise amendments of 16/10/ 2018)

We trust you can support us and those vulnerable workers who are looking to Europe for help in their struggle for fairness at work.

I am available on +3222240573 if you have queries.

Yours sincerely

Esther Lynch

ETUC Confederal Secretary