Belgium: Blind austerity should not affect the weakest !

Brussels, 02/12/2011


Belgium 2 December: Demonstration against austerity

"Access to early retirement will now be made more difficult! Young people are particularly affected by the measures ! The bill for the crisis should not be paid by the weakest, even less by the future generations!".

"Workers have alternatives to blind austerity: fight tax evasion and tax financial transactions."

"It's their fault, it's their debt, not ours! Blind austerity is not an accident. To impovrish the unemployed, to turn those on early retirement into older unemployed , to turn the civil servants into job seekers and to harass the unemployed , these are not solutions!"

Demonstration organised by: CSC FGTB


"Major tax reform is needed in this country, it has become a tax haven for the wealthy and a tax hell for those who get up early. "

It is increasingly clear that the burdens of the agreement are very unfairly distributed. Three groups are particularly being targeted: young unemployed, long-term unemployed and older workers."

"Fiscal consolidation is needed. You have to get the money from those who has it, from those who earn the most, from the richest, from those who they hiden it, from those who are pumping into the coffers of the State."

We need different policies

•  Regulation of financial markets;

•  Fairer and more just tax reform;

•  To tax financial transactions.

The ETUC expresses its solidarity and full support with the day of action