Welcome to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Audiovisual service.
Here you will find:
- photos of past and more recent events that have been significant in the history of the ETUC since its establishment in 1973. This section is splitted into two sub-sections: "Photo gallery" with recent photographs until 2004 and "Photo archive" with pictures before 2004.
- ETUC films
- a video clips archive
- the ETUC on European media
- a gallery of posters produced for ETUC campaigns and events of all sorts.
- NEW - Web 2.0 tools: on the audiovisual ETUC YouTube channel, you will easely find all our videos; in the Flickr photo gallery we are in the process of classifying the more demanded pictures, and last but not least, we have created a Twitter account, where you could get news about our current activities.
[->http://www.flickr.com/photos/etuc-ces ]
[->http://www.youtube.com/etucces ]