ETUC together with its affiliates
Action days 2011 - 2012
- 24 November Portugal : General strike against austerity
UGT Portugal: http://www.ugt.pt/site/index.php?op...
CGTP-IN : http://grevegeral.net/
- 24 November Bulgaria Strike in railways
CITUB: http://knsb-bg.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=190:2011-03-01-10-13-50
PODKREPA: http://www.podkrepa.org/
- 26 November Ireland : March Against Austerity/ March for Jobs
Organised by the the Dublin Council of Trade Unions and supported by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dublin-Council-of-Trade-Unions/115330285145261
- 30 November UK : TUC Day of Action. “Pensions justice”
TUC "Pension justice" :http://pensionsjustice.org.uk/
In solidarity with everyone involved in this Day of Action for Pensions Justice, The Workers have joined up to record "Let's Work Together".
The video and the recording can be found at: http://www.theworkers.org.uk/
- {{30 November Europe EPSU Day of Action - European Public services
EPSU: http://www.epsu.org/a/8161
- 30 November Bulgaria Protest rally against draft reform of labour rights
CITUB: http://knsb-bg.org/
PODKREPA: http://www.podkrepa.org/
- 1 December Greece General strike against austerity
GSEE: http://www.gsee.gr/
ADEDY: http://www.adedy.gr/adedy/site/home/ws.csp
- 2 December Belgium Demonstration against austerity
CSC: http://www.csc-en-ligne.be/Actualite/Actions/detail/austerite_manif_bxl_021211.asp
Tract: http://www.csc-en-ligne.be/Images/Pamflet%20betoging%202-12-FR_tcm22-258533.pdf
FGTB: http://www.fgtb.be/web/guest/news-fr/-/article/473009/&p_l_id=10624
Tract: http://www.fgtb.be/web/guest/news-fr/-/article/473009/&p_l_id=10624
CGSLB: http://www.cgslb.be/publications/dossiers/dossiers/manifestation-2-decembre-2011/
Tract: http://www.cgslb.be/uploads/media/tract-manifestation-2-decembre-2011_01.pdf
- 3 December Hungary Public sector workers' demonstration
MSZOSZ: http://www.mszosz.hu/
ÉSZT: http://www.eszt.hu/
LIGA: http://www.liganet.hu/
SZEF: http://www.szef.hu/
- 7 December Europe ArcelorMittal Action Day - EMF
EMF: http://www.emf-fem.org/Areas-of-work/Company-Policy/News/Actions-of-the-EMF-and-its-affiliates-in-response-to-ArcelorMittal-announcement-of-site-closure
- 10 December Lithuania Action Day against austerity
LDF: http://www.ldf.lt/
LPSK: http://www.lpsk.lt/
- 12 December Italy 3 hours strike against austerity
CGIL: http://www.cgil.it/DettaglioDocumento.aspx?ID=17895
CISL: http://www.cisl.it/sito.nsf?Open?OpenDatabase&CNt=HOME;PT=PaginaIntera;DOC=HOME^Titolo;
UIL: http://www.uil.it/stampa/stampa769.htm
- 13 December France Action Day against austerity
CFDT: http://www.cfdt.fr/rewrite/article/36966/les-actualites/economie/-l-austerite-en-france-et-en-europe-n-est-pas-la-solution-a-la-crise.htm?idRubrique=6874
CGT: http://www.cgt.fr/CFDT-CGT-FSU-Solidaires-UNSA,38786.html
UNSA: http://www.unsa.org/?communique-des-organisations,1263.html
- {{15 December Cyprus , 3 hours work stopage
"No to austerity measures against workers : we fight for trade union rights and collective bargaining"}}
SEK: http://www.sek.org.cy
DEOK: www.deok.org.cy
TURK-SEN: Turkish Workers' Trade Union Federation
- 22 December Belgium National Public Sector Strike against pensions's reform
Tract: http://www.cgsp-irw.be/documents/tract2212.pdf
- 30 January Belgium: National Strike
Selection of videos related to the above activites
In order to view the different videos please click on the screen below:
Selection of pictures related to the above activites