On the road for a fair deal for workers


Workers on the march!

Trade unions throughout Europe are working together for a new economic and social model that puts workers first. We need real change, rather than a return to damaging failed ideas of the past.

Our demands are very clear:

• No return to austerity

• Yes to investment for better paid, sustainable jobs covered by a collective agreement

• Yes for a fairer economy for all

Together we can get a fair deal for working people. Join one of the upcoming demonstrations or actions.

Calendar of trade union mobilisations across Europe

  • 19 July 2023 - Republic of San Marino - CSdL, CDLS and USL - organised  a demonstration in front of the Parliament in San Marino, to demand support measures for families with lower incomes and to recover portions of wages eroded by inflation: joint press releasephotos
  • 1st September 2023 - Poland - OPZZ organises a protest pickets just before the start of the new school year in defence of education workers: more information / photos /  photos on Facebook
  • 4 September 2023 - Montenegro - TUEM (Member of UFTUM) organised a warning strikeand a peaceful gathering of teachers at the workplace to protest against the constant collapse of the education system, due to the degradation of the status of education workers
  • 9 September 2023 - Greece - GSEE organizes in Thessaloniki a demonstration against the cost of living and - including other  for the restoration of Collective Agreements and free collective bargaining, decent wages, pensions and benefits, full and stable employment.
  • 9 September 2023 – Finland – SAK’s #SeriousGrounds event in Turku and Oulu to raise consciousness on the Government cuts
  • 11 to 16 September 2023 -  Austria - ÖGB organises a week of action fall over the counrty focusing on the inflation and the cost of living crisis (special focus on increase in food prices).
  • 15 September 2023 - Poland - OPZZ and FZZ organise in Warsaw a "March of anger" of civil servants under the slogan "Without us, the country does not exist!" for better wages and concrete measures for workers countering rising inflation - More information (Facebook) / Photos on Facebook
  • 16 September 2023 – Finland – SAK’s #SeriousGrounds event in Tampere, Kuopio and Järvenpää to raise consciousness on the Government cuts
  • 16 September 2023 - Switzerland - USS and Travail.Suisse - organise a major national demonstration in Bern to raise wages and pensions and defend purchasing power: more information
  • 20 September 2023 - Austria - ÖGB sets up a human chain around the Austrian parliament with the demand for inflation-reducing measures: photos / video
  • 20 September - Latvia - LBAS claims to raise statutory minimum wage and non-taxable minimum at the meeting of the Social affairs subcommittee of the National Tripartite Cooperation Council
  • 22 September 2023 - Ireland - ICTU  pre budget submission Making Work Pay
  • 24 September 2023 - Turkey - DİSK organizes a demonstration for "a fair deal for pensioners" in Istanbul. Demands are decent pensions and justice in retirement: more information / photo
  • 26 September 2023 - Serbia - Nezavisnost and CATUS Teachers Unions organise demonstrations in Belgrade under following slogan: “Respected Teacher – Descent Serbia”: videos / photos
  • 1 to 15 October 2023 - ETF Logistics Action Days: agenda and location of the events / manifesto / flyer  
  • 2 to 6 October 2023 - ETUCE holds a series of action for their European Week of Teachers within the campaign Make Teaching Attractive 
  • 3 October 2023 - Finland - STTK's annual training event for worker’s representatives: shop stewards and occupational health and safety representatives
  • 4-5 October 2023 - Serbia - CATUS policy discussion meeting in Zlatibor "Actual challenges - CATUS for decent work for decent life" 
  • 5 October 2023 - Belgium - Belgian trade unions FGTB/ABVV, CSC/ACV, CGSLB/ACLVB mobilise against the ban on demonstrations included in a draft law by Belgian government  - More information: FGTB; ABVV; CSC/ACV; CGSLB/ACLVB
  • 6 October 2023 – Finland – SAK’s #SeriousGrounds event in Helsinki to raise consciousness on the Government cuts
  • 6 October 2023 - Hungary - SZEF holds a panel/roundtable dicsussion in Budapest on occupational safety: more information 
  • 7 October 2023 - Italy - CGIL organises a demonstration in Rome for employment, better wages and the respect of the Italian constitution: more information
  • 7 October - Serbia - TUC NEZAVISNOST organises a workshop for activists of Women Section in Novi Sad: main topic at workshop will be “Violation and harassment at workplace”: photo
  • 7 October - Hungary - LIGA had a two day trade union seminar focused on equality issues with a participation of LIGA trade union officers and activists who also marked the day with a short video to raise awareness of the importance of invisible work: more information / video
  • 9 October 2023 - Noth Macedonia - KSS organises a protest of employees in the judicial administration in Skopje to demand pay rises: photos
  • 10 October 2023 - Hungary - SZEF pensionesr section organises a conference on the situation of Hungarian pensioners with a specific attention to pensioners who previously worked in the public sector, and the possibilities of introducing a European minimum pension scheme: more information / photos
  • 13 October 2023 - France - French trade unions CFDT, CGT, FO, UNSA and CFCT organise a day of mobilisations and demonstrations against austerity, for better wages and for equality between men and women: joint press release (EN version, IT version, ES version) - ETUC Web page dedicated to the demonstration
  • 13 October 2023 - Ireland - Launch of ICTU paper on the Irish Housing Crisis affecting workers and their families Housing Ireland, How we deliver the homes that people need
  • 13 October 2023 - Lithuania - Lithuanian trade unions - including LPSK and Solidarumas - organise a joint protest with a march in the central street of Vilnius as well as a rally in the Lithuanian Parliament Square. They demand better wages, more accessible social services, lower workloads and more tax justice: more information / photos
  • 23 October 2023 - Turkey - DISK organize another rally in Istanbul with the title "Workers Unite for Tax Justice": more information
  • 25 October to 11 November 2023 - Portugal - CGTP-IN organises a general struggle for wage increases: more information
  • 26 October 2023 - Serbia - A public session of the Council of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia (CATUS) in an expanded composition will be held in front of the National Parliament in Belgrade at 12 o'clock, urgently requesting to start a social dialogue, to include the trade union in the law-making process at all stages, to sign branch collective agreements, and to raise all wages: more information
  • 31 October 2023 - Italy - UIL organise a debate about EU austerity measures, EU sovereignty fund, EU industrial policy
  • 11 November 2023 - Portugal - CGTP-IN organises national demonstrations in Lisbon and Porto for pay rises: more information
  • 17 November 2023 - Italy - CGIL and UIL start a mobilisation to change the Budget Law and the economic and social policies of the Italian Government with 8 hours or full shift of strike for all workers in the Central Regions; on the same day, transport and public services workers will strike for 8 hours (or an entire shift) in the whole country.
  • 20 November 2023 - Italy - CGIL and UIL organise a general strike in Sicily in the framework of their mobilisation to change the Budget Law
  • 24 November 2023 - Italy - CGIL and UIL organise a 8 hours or entire shift strike in the Northern Regions in the framework of their mobilisation to change the Budget Law
  • 27 November 2023 - Italy - CGIL and UIL organise a general strike in Sardinia in the framework of their mobilisation to change the Budget Law
  • 1 December 2023 - Italy - CGIL and UIL organise a 8 hours or entire shift strike in the Southern Regions in the framework of their mobilisation to change the Budget Law
  • November 2023 (Exact date to be confirmed) - Ireland - ICTU holds two events one in Belfast and one in Dublin on policy paper No Going Back – towards a safe a secure future for all - a trade union manifesto for a better Ireland in both jurisdictions
  • 12 December 2023 - Belgium - Brussels mobilisation: Together Against Austerity: more information

  • Ongoing: LO Sweden is advocating for political responses to the current cost-of-living crisis. This includes calling for public investment in education, healthcare and care. They propose measures to alleviate the impacts of inflation while requiring companies profiting from the price increases to pay their fair share: more information

Useful material: