Quality Jobs


COVID-19 crisis will push youth unemployment to 4.8 million (26.2%) by the end of the year.

The most educated generation of Europeans can not be sent back to training because of the lack of decent job opportunities!

Youth Guarantee is a policy that needs to tackle youth unemployment, not another employer subsidy policy.

It is time for Quality Jobs!


  • ETUC welcomes the Commission analysis of the extremely difficult situation young people are facing on the labour market that got even worse due to the COVID 19. The increase in the precarious contracts, the rise of an atypical form of work and young people being overrepresented in the informal economy makes young people extremely vulnerable group in need of the real and ambitious solution.

  • We appreciate the intention of improving reach out by enlarging the age bracket (now up to 30 years old) and by focusing on career guidance and individualised approach that includes better involvement of social partners.

  • We are sorry to see that the Commission missed the chance to effectively contribute to the creation of quality jobs. While recognising the need for quality of the offer to being improved they build they new Council Recommendation on old, vague and not properly implemented instruments (Quality Framework for Traineeship and European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships.) 

  • Precarious young workers who lost their job as a consequence of COVID 19 are currently left without any state aid.

    They do not need further skills or further training they need a quality job that will guarantee access to social protection and decent working conditions. We are sorry that the Commission's proposal completely ignores the difficult situation of these young people. 

                                                                               ETUC is ready to continue cooperation with the European Parliament

                                                                                                                               and trough our members with national governments

                                                                                          to ensure stronger instruments providing young people with the chance for a stable future.

                                                                                                                         WE CALL FOR:

  • Quality criteria framework!

    Binding measures jointly designed and implemented by the social partners for all offers under the Youth Guarantee scheme. Under no circumstances, the Youth Guarantee should contribute to social dumping, wage dumping and precariousness of young people.

quality criteria

  • End of precarious contracts!!

    ETUC believes that the precarious contracts and workers categories that do not provide access to social protection should be banned and replaced with guaranteeing a minimum number of working hours which provide a safety net for workers.



  • Better involvement of social partners!

    It was proven that,  where involved,  social partners contributed to quality insertion of young people to employment. We insist that Social Partners are involved at European, National, Sectorial and company level in design, implementation and evaluation of the scheme.
