For Information : ETUC resolution on the European strategies on artificial intelligence and data

As they entail a range of cross cutting issues involving the world of work, we think it is important to inform you about the key messages the ETUC think such a robust European artificial intelligence (AI) and data strategies should cover: 

  • provide a legal and empowering European framework based on human rights, and therefore including labour and trade union rights and ethical rules. 
  • maintain and reinforce workers’ protection, prevent disproportionate and undue surveillance at work, prohibit discriminatory treatments on the basis of biased algorithms, and prevent abuse of data protection and privacy, ensuring compliance and going beyond GDPR and maintaining their privacy when not at work. 
  • classify AI applications affecting workers’ rights and working conditions as high-risk in principle and subject to appropriate regulation. 
  • address the specificity of the workplace, including the bargaining inequality between workers and employers. The principle of ‘human remains in control’ should apply to workers and managers. 
  • provide for AI and digital literacy schemes. Education and transparency of AI systems and of new technologies is important for workers to be able to understand, and be part of, the fair implementation 
  • provide for data governance at national, sectoral and company level, and strengthening workers’ participation in the design, deployment, use and monitoring of AI technology and data strategy. 
  • provide for rules on business and developers’ liability, including the reversal of the burden of proof in favour of workers, to balance the limited access to information to workers 
  • deliver a fit for purpose innovation, if AI technologies comply with the Treaty based precautionary principle 
  • provide for an EU data strategy with ambitious initiatives on cybersecurity transparency, portability, interoperability, fair taxation, regulating GAFAMs and other major platforms, operationalising the right to access, governance for access and sharing data, social benefits of data use/sharing.