ETUC Mid-term Conference: Fight the crisis

Paris, 27-28/05/2009

This major conference of Europe’s trade union leaders will debate today’s key political and social issues.

So, as part of a New Social Deal, we propose European-wide investment in green technologies, in public transport and energy, innovation and research and development; we want quick acting help for workers – subsidies and Kurzarbeit to stop them becoming unemployed; help with training and education; top class public employment services. We want to stop free movement of services in the EU sweeping aside collective agreements; and equal pay for work of equal value in every country. – And we want the rich and comfortable to pay their fair share of the rescue and recovery plans.
John Monks, Euro-demonstration in Berlin, 16 May 2009

How can we lay down the foundations of a fairer society and ensure that we will not make the same mistakes that led to this crisis? ETUC will not stand for a return to laissez-faire practices. Those who are not responsible, namely workers, cannot be made to foot the bill for this crisis. The sentiment of injustice that prevails today should be taken very seriously.

This conference will follow on from the May Day activities and the four Euro-demonstrations on the European Action Days from 14 to 16 May 2009 in Madrid, Brussels, Berlin and Prague. It takes place in the run-up to the European elections, which are decisive for the future of social Europe.

The European trade unions, which have long denounced casino capitalism, are more mobilised than ever to respond to the growing helplessness of whole sectors of the labour market.

- Programme
- Speech
- The Paris Declaration (27 Kb PDF) (or in <strong>German (82 Kb))
- Dossier de la CES sur la crise économique et sociale
- Photo gallery


The main thrust of the conference programme is to look at the trade union mobilisation in fighting the crisis and how this mobilisation can be effectively used to strengthen European trade unionism. The conference debates will examine how Social Europe can be achieved – a society based on strong trade union values including the role of social dialogue, public services, worker participation, as well as social solidarity.

The final programme is available for download in English (103 Kb), French (104 Kb) and German (50 Kb).


In an opening speech, ETUC General Secretary John Monks introduced the Paris Declaration (27 Kb) and the second session of the conference on 'Fight the crisis - Trade union mobilisation'.

ETUC dossier on the economic and social crisis

To provide an overview of trade union actions, demands and resolutions in relation to financial capitalism and the now deepening global recession, ETUC has compiled a dossier on the Economic and social crisis: ETUC positions and actions.

Photo gallery

See our photo gallery of the conference.