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17.09.2024 Press release

Mistake to scrap jobs commissioner amid jobs crisis

The European Commission has announced plans to downgrade the importance of its Jobs and Social Rights portfolio - less than 24 hours after workers marched to the European institutions to demand action to protect jobs.
16.09.2024 Press release

EU must stop industry crisis on its doorstep

The threat to tens of thousands of European industrial workers’ livelihoods, including more than 3000 jobs at Audi and its subcontractors on the doorstep of the European institutions, shows the urgent need for the EU to deliver an industrial deal that will
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12.09.2024 Press release

ECB 'timidity' out of step with Draghi investment push

The European Central Bank (ECB) today announced a small 0.25 point cut in interest rates.The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) warns this move does not match the scale of the action required to boost investment set out this week in the Draghi report on competitiveness.

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09.08.2024 Document

Statement: Labour delivers important first step to protecting right to strike

Labour delivers important first step to protecting right to strike
The ETUC congratulates the TUC and their affiliated trade unions on an important union victory for workers in Britain and throughout Europe. We welcome the commitment by the UK government that the anti-worker anti-strike Minimum Service Levels legislation will be repealed through the upcoming Employment Rights Bill. This legislation represented an attack on the ability of workers to win a decent, secure and dignified working life.
19.07.2024 Document

ETUC sorry to hear of passing of Fritz Verzetnitsch

Fritz Verzetnitsch passed away on 18 July 2024. He was ETUC President for 10 years between 1993 and 2003 and long-time President of Austria’s ÖGB. “We pay tribute to a trade union leader who was committed to building workers’ power across Europe,” said Esther Lynch, ETUC General Secretary. “Our sympathy goes out to his wife, family and to the ÖGB.”
04.07.2024 Document

Traineeship Package

Traineeship Package Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 25-26 June 2024.
02.07.2024 Document

Adopted Resolution - On the offensive to combat gender-based violence in the world of work

Adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 24-25 June 2024 Introduction Preventing and combatting gender-based violence in the world of work is a key priority of the ETUC. The recently adopted Directive combatting violence against women and domestic violence fails to deliver meaningful provisions to make the world of work safer for women workers. It also fails to recognise our role as trade unions to end gender-based violence.
See what happened at the latest Congress