The ETUC will participate in the Copenhagen Summit

What is its objective?

The Copenhagen conference will be held from 7 to 18 December 2009. It is the annual meeting of representatives of the countries that have ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. On this occasion, the heads of State and government will renegotiate an international climate agreement to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires at the end of 2012. One hundred seventy countries will send representatives of their government.
The objective of the Copenhagen Summit is to conclude an ambitious international agreement addressing the issue of climate change.

What are the challenges?

There are multiple challenges:

•  Reducing CO2 emissions within the framework of climate change. If we hope to succeed, we will need global regulatory instruments, new investments and new social negotiations. Otherwise, markets will continue to grow primarily on a financial basis.
•  Taking the employment problem on board by ensuring the possibility of real occupational social transitions, building on the one hand on the social partners and, on the other, on information and participation of workers in decision-making processes.

Further informations

- The ETUC's activities and positions

- Press releases

- Resolutions

- Publications

- ETUC video clips "The challenges of Climate Change"

- Interview with Joël Decaillon, ETUC Confederal Secretary

The interview was published in the 40th edition of the ETUC newsletter

- Case studies - National experiences

Study on "Climate disruptions, new industrial policies and ways out of the crisis"

The study is breaked down into 3 parts :

1. review of the existing literature on questions of sustainable
building and transport.

2. low carbon technologies applied to the main industrial sectors
emitting greenhouse gases :

sectors with a high carbon impact through their process: metalworking (coking, steelworks, aluminium) ; chemicals/petrochemicals (refineries,
glassworks, base and green chemistry) ; construction woodworking (cement, paper and pulp, construction materials)

sectors producing products with a high carbon impact: metalworking (automobiles, machine-tools and capital goods, energy production equipment (non coal based)and electrical construction (including renewables) Energy services linked to these sectors.

3. Impact of a European clean coal industry on the 3 pillars of
sustainable development, working on a sample of 3
countries : Germany, Poland and the UK.

Study to download

To download the Study, please click on the link or icon below.

- "Climate disruptions, new industrial policies and ways out of the crisis"

- Study polish version


Useful links

- United Nations website on the climate conference

- Website of the International Trade Union Confederation